Care Systems Services LTD. (CSSL) has been monitoring the COVID-19 risk level carefully.

While the current risk level remains relatively low our focus is on prevention measures and maintaining a healthy work environment for our employees and yours. CSSL has implemented policies, travel restrictions, work from home options, and self-isolating guidelines. Other than the following changes, we will be operating business as usual.

Access to our locations:

We ask that at this time you refrain from personal interaction with any of our locations if:

1. You have travelled internationally in the past 14 days
2. In the past 14 days you have been exposed to someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19
3. You or anyone you have been in contact with, have any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever, cough, shortness of breath.

Those who need access into our office will be required to complete a self declaration form.

Please note that all working staff have completed this form and will not be dispatched to site if any of the above apply.

To lower the risk of transmission, we have increased office cleaning and will be limiting personal contact for all receiving, customer pickups, and deliveries which will include not requiring or providing any signatures.

As always, we are happy to serve you and feel confident that we are doing everything in our power to provide a healthy environment for our customers and staff.

As the situation can change rapidly, future updates will be posted in the news section on

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