The new Clinical Services tower is the first phase of a redevelopment program at the Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops. The tower offers several outpatient service, teaching space for UBC Medical School and a new lecture theatre.
DDC System
- 1 Virtual Server
- 240 Controllers
- 249 Valves
- 30 Third Party Devices
- Room Pressure Control CO Detection
- Electrical Monitoring
- SnowmeltLighting Integration
- Emergency Generator Integration
Mechanical System
- 3 Boilers
- 20 Pumps
- 1 Dry Cooler
- 4 Air Handler
- 3 Return Fans
- 4 Chillers
- 2 Plate Heat Exchangers
- 4 Domestic Hot Water Tanks
- 2 Steam Boilers
- 169 VAVs
- Radiant Floor Heating
- 7 Fan Coils
- 7 Fan Powered Boxes
- 6 Exhaust Fans
- 15 Unit Heaters 9 Electric Convection Heaters
- 7 Hydronic Convection Heaters
- 16 Force Flows
- 2 Isolation Exhaust Fans
Points of Interest
- All air handlers have redundant backups fans and contain UV treatment of the air entering the building.
- The DDC server is apart of a central virtual server hosted in a tier 3 data centre and is shared with 9 other hospitals around BC.